Wednesday, September 22, 2010


This creepy little hairy brown bug has funny frog legs.

He reminds me of a little rat with flippers.

Any idea what it is?


  1. I'd say either an alien or a prehistoric creature, but that would mean there was a gap in time.

  2. ooh, interesting! i wonder where you found it--near water or no? and how big is it? i want to know what it is!
    have a great day, holly! xo kz

  3. Maria-Therese: you are too funny!

    Kendra: I found in my yard. It's tiny - a little bigger than a dime.

  4. Ah yes... the ol' gap in time / worm hole / science experiment gone slightly screwy conundrum! Many a fine fella has slipped through or undergone the dreaded teleportation or genetic splicing rigours I have found... lucky you that Flipper found their way safely into your part of the cosmos! Now to draw him into history! (insert evil laugh)

  5. Hello Red, I've seen them in the late afternoon, crawling around my potted plants. So I picked this one up for a closer look.


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