Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday, Monday

a large painting in progress
I'm working on a new covey of birds and hope to be finished this week!
Just saw a really fun and quirky movie over the weekend, Pirate Radio. Have you seen it?
Took a spectacular walk and photographed lots of weed seeds.
I'm still trying to get the hang of facebook and I'm pinning like mad.
My cookie books are out and I'm getting ready for my annual baking extravaganza.
Without a doubt it is Monday.


  1. Beautiful! I love seeing your birds with the lovely feather patterns.

  2. It's so good to see the scale here...I thought these paintings were smaller somehow.

    LOVED Pirate Radio!

    I took advantage of the 2 for 1 sale over at Spoonflower...can't wait to see more of your divine fabric arrive in my mailbox!

    I'm not quite to the cookie stage yet. :-)

  3. What a gorgeous grouping of feathered friends! Just stunning.

  4. Nicole: thank you! I have more layers of pattern before it is finally finished.

    Karen: I know what you mean about scale. It's by far my biggest challenge. Somehow, everything always looks small and this one is 18 x 24 inches. Glad you ordered fabric. It was such a deal!

    Al: Thank you so much for stopping by. I was inspired by some of the museum birds I happened upon this summer.

  5. Ohh... you know how I love your covey of birds! And I agree re seeing the scale. I thought they were closer to half this size.

  6. Helen: Thank you! It was time to make another covey. this time, a melange of rare birds. I'll have to stick my fat hand into every large painting that I photograph if it helps with the scale : )

  7. Good work lefty!
    Von G

  8. I've seen your paintings on Etsy and was absolutely joyous to see your fabric on Spoonflower! I've got so many ideas I don't know where to begin. Your fabrics combined with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint-- heaven! My rooms will be fabulous. So glad to have found you.

  9. Stories: You are too kind! I hope you'll take a picture when your room is finished!


Thank you so much for stopping by! I always enjoy reading your messages!