Sunday, January 20, 2019

Au Revoir

Ah, friends, it has been too long and I hope you are well!
I've had an interesting year filled with new discoveries, adventures,
a bit of sadness - but such is life and I'm better for it.
I do think it's time to retire this blog space, Golly Bard's Drawing Room,
 but it holds so many fond memories and I can't bear to completely abandon it.
So, it will remain as an archive for the foreseeable future
and you can find me on instagram, facebook, pinterest, and if you so choose, 
subscribe to my NEWSLETTER on my website for the latest news from 
my studio and my garden. I will share new paintings, shop updates,
special sales, and all that kind of goodness! 
Thank you all for being here for me all these years. 
It's been a dream. Au revoir.
xo, Holly 


  1. Always a joy to come here and look. Following you now on Instagram

  2. Carol: Thank you so much! I'm not going away just trying to find the best way to reach people. I'm admittedly not very good at keeping up with ever-changing technology! Thanks for joining me on insta!

  3. I’ve always loved your blog, it’s inspiring and your artwork is just beautiful to look at. I already follow you on Instagram and hope to see more beautiful work from you there.



Thank you so much for stopping by! I always enjoy reading your messages!