Xenotees wearable art has a bold and modern graphic style which I love.
My personal favorites: the XX chromosomes and the giant saw blade!
I wanted to know a bit more about the artist,
so I asked her a few questions, little snippets and tidbits.
Meet Noëlle B. the artist and designer of Xenotees:
If you had to choose another profession, what would you do?
If you could be any character in fiction, who would you be?
That’s a tough one. Probably Wonder Woman.
What book are you currently reading?
Do you listen to music while you work? Who is on your playlist now?
When I’m not listening to NPR, anything from
Simon and Garfunkel to Gary Numan to Judas Priest.
I listen to a really wide range of music!
Who is your favorite fashion designer?
Oh, I don’t even know!
If you could choose any artist in the world,
who would you choose to paint, sculpt, photograph your portrait?
Camille Claudel
You can find Noëlle's work here: