Be still my heart.
I do love watching hawks soar in the sky.
I suppose they like watching me too.
Have I told you my story about the cruelty of nature?
Outside my kitchen window.
The most high pitched, piercing cries.
A hawk had attacked a downy woodpecker.
and suddenly flew away with it caged in its talons.
Screaming into the distance.
My heart was racing.
how amazing to be witness to that event! your story sent my heart racing too. beautiful picture accompanying the tale of cruelty eased the blow.
hey holly- i am trying to make pulp from some hemp fibers and am having a really hard time breaking them down. tried cooking w/soda ash. any suggestions?
Kendra, Thanks for stopping by! It was a shocking event. Let me think about what might be happening with the pulp fibers and I will write to you shortly.
i can't take my eyes off this picture. it's beautiful.
chilling story.
literally 'nature red in tooth and claw', I suppose! beautiful drawing x
you do have a way with creating a mood, :). and the bird is gorgeous.
How fortunate to stumble upon your blog while absentmindedly hitting the blogspot "next" button. Your work pulls me in--it's great. If you have any interest in beginning gardening, I've just started working on my own blog, at www.hortusurbanus.blogspot.com, out in seattle. take care!
what a beautiful way of drawing and expressing. -Jayne
I love your drawings & paintings...especially the birds series. Beautiful.
Your paintings are exquisite!
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